The Story Show is a live theater event in which local readers give voice to their poignant, powerful, sometimes hilarious and always heart-warming tales. Each show has a theme and provides the audience with the fantastic opportunity to bear witness to the threads that run through all of our lives–our stories.

The Story Show is produced and directed by Heather Westberg King.

This is how the Show works:

About one or two months before the date of the show, Heather asks for your submissions. She announces the theme on Facebook, via email and the old-fashioned way–hanging flyers! And then you email your story. (Or hand-write it and drop it off at the bookstore.) The theme is a guide. Every theme will bring to mind a time in your life, a situation, memories…igniting the words that come together to meet the theme and the deadline for submissions. What the theme inspires in each person is different. It’s okay to make it your own.

You do not have to be a writer to write your story! 

Once your submission is received, Heather will consider whether or not it’s a good fit for the show. She will also help with the editing process as needed. Your submission need not be perfect. It doesn’t even have to be all that good. Consider it a starting off point. Tell your stories with the feelings that living them created in you. If those feelings are there, the story WILL come together and Heather will help you with that.

Then 8 or 9 story-tellers hit the stage, behind a podium, and read their words to the crowd. If you’re familiar with The Moth live storytelling events, you have the right idea. These stories pack a punch. They can be funny. They can be terribly sad. They can be inspiring and moving. When a story is voiced aloud, with the writer’s own voice, something magical happens. It can be the most ordinary story and beauty will flow, touching each mind and heart in the audience.

A Story Show is difficult to explain. One needs to experience it to fully understand. So please join the growing crowd of Story Show-ers. We’re terribly fun, and maybe even truly inspiring.

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